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类型 数字万用表 品牌 美国安捷伦 型号 安捷伦U1242B 测量电压范围 交直流1000(V) 测量电流范围 交直流10(A) 测量电阻范围 100M(Ω) 重量 0.6(kg) 装箱数 10手持式

类型 数字万用表 品牌 美国安捷伦 型号 安捷伦U1242B 测量电压范围 交直流1000(V) 测量电流范围 交直流10(A) 测量电阻范围 100M(Ω) 重量 0.6(kg) 装箱数 10

手持式数字万用表,具有 10,000 个计数的分辨率,能够测量直流和交流电压、直流和交流电流、电阻、频率、导通蜂鸣、电容、温度、开关计数器、谐波比、双温度、差分温度

Check more, fix more

  • 10,000 count display

  • 0.09% basic DC voltage accuracy and true RMS measurement

  • Basic functions: DCV, DCI, ACV, ACI, resistance, frequency, continuity, diode test

  • Advanced functions: capacitance, temperature, switch counter

Ease of use

  • Adjustable backlighting

  • Min/Max recording

Built to last

  • CAT III 1000V and CAT IV 600V over voltage protection

  • Certified to CE and CSA

  • 0.09% basic DC voltage accuracy and true RMS measurement

  • Basic functions: DCV, DCI, ACV, ACI

Whether you need to quickly inspect power supplies for harmonics, detect glitches in switch systems or monitor differential temperature, the U1240 Series handheld digital multimeters (DMMs) are up to the task.

Agilent’s range of handheld test tools includes safety features that help you perform day-to-day measurements with confidence. Reduce the risk of injury due to arc flash while probing near-contact points with specially designed 4-mm-tip probes. A built-in 30 kA high-energy fuse shields you from potentially violent fuse failures when working in high-current environments.

Our latest handheld DMMs in bright orange cases are a vivid reminder that you have an extra layer of protection between you and the unknown.

Check out which handheld is the right one for you.

View showcase of the all-new orange handhelds.

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